Minnesota Board of Psychology License Investigation Defense Attorneys

We defend psychologists in licensing investigations by the Minnesota Board of Psychology. A professional licensing investigation can have serious consequences. It can result in a psychologist’s loss of employment and loss of professional livelihood. When a licensed psychologist faces an investigation by the Minnesota Board of Psychology, it is important to respond appropriately from the first notice of an inquiry.

We understand the intricacies of board investigations and the strain they put on licensed psychologists. We have extensive experience representing health care providers in professional licensing matters. While serving as Minnesota Attorneys General, Lori Swanson and Mike Hatch were responsible for legal representation of the Minnesota Board of Psychology and other occupational health licensing boards in their licensing investigations. We know the process and the requirements and expectations of the regulators.

We work with psychologists to develop practical, tailored solutions that aim to resolve board investigations as early in the process as possible and as favorably as possible. We defend psychologists with all stages of Board of Psychology proceedings, including initial inquiry letters, investigations, interviews, Tennessen Warnings, administrative subpoenas, Notice of Conferences, Complaint Review Committee conferences, and, if necessary, administrative proceedings. We strive to provide pragmatic and cost-efficient legal representation.

Minnesota Board of Psychology License Investigation Defense—More information:

More information about our legal services in defending licensees in professional licensing investigations can be found here.

To schedule a no-cost initial telephone call to discuss your situation with an attorney, you may contact us in one of the ways described on our “Contact Us” page.