Complex Civil Litigation.

Having the right attorney on your side makes a difference.
While serving as Minnesota Attorneys General, Lori Swanson and Mike Hatch filed hard-fought, first-in-the-nation complex civil lawsuits…and won. They developed national reputations as aggressive attorneys who stand up for what’s right and don’t back down from a challenge. For an example of some of Ms. Swanson’s work as Attorney General, visit
Some problems can only be resolved in a court of law. Ms. Swanson and Mr. Hatch have decades of experience handling complex civil lawsuits. We represent businesses, organizations, and individuals in bringing and defending complex business and civil lawsuits in state and federal court and in administrative tribunals. We negotiate fair settlements of thorny problems that serve our clients’ best interests.
Examples of cases we handle include:
- Breach of contract.
- Fraud and misrepresentation.
- Covenants-not-to-compete.
- Nondisclosure agreements.
- Theft of trade secrets.
- Business and commercial disputes.
- Nonprofit governance and regulation.
- Antitrust.
- Health care.
- Insurance regulation.
- State statutory law.
- Other complex civil litigation.